Week 11 was a high milage week of 63 miles.
It was also the get back to work week after New Year. So I managed to do a longish run on the Bank Holiday then hit another on the Saturday. Both going pretty well to be honest...well, actually not too honestly!
The first 14 miler was with the Boss and Small Monstrosity on new Chrimbo BMX bike. 3.5 with both then off to make up the rest. Methinks the SM has miscalculated style over substance. This bike is HARD to pedal any distance! And I had to take him home early in a huff! Me that is!
But this run did mark the start of some new shoes! Well a new pair at least. Shoe choice is a post in itself I reckon, however I'm firmly of the opinion 'If it ain't broke...' I run in Brookes Adrenalines and have done for a few years now. Stepping into a new pair is still a treat! The old pair were retired after 660 miles.
Got out running with the Boss at her 'steady' pace of 12.5 minute miling once or twice over the break. I gotta say that I find enjoyment in this on a different level to running with others at faster paces. There's always (usually) something to be got out of a run, I think. That's the most indefinite, definite statement I think I've ever written, perhaps (!)
Still trying to keep the Speedwork up and trying new things to motivate me to do so. This week it was pyramid intervals - or what ever yer meant to call them?!
I did 400/200, 800/400, 1200/600, 1600/800, 1200/600, 800/400, 400/200.
Yes I know it was excessive typing all that lot out but since I put the effort into running it I felt you needed to read it! LOL!
Week 12 speedwork however was a complete FAIL! I set off to do the Lampost speedwork (that I did previously) session and was going well. I got to 7 out of 8 reps and then the stomach grinded...badly. At this point I was 3 miles plus away from home. Let's leave it at..it didn't get better.
Arising out of this is an interesting conundrum, mind. Would you ever run past a walking, struggling runner? Maybe I'm being a bit prescious, but, on the way back stumbling, walking along really uncomfortably I was 'ran past' by a bloke that further back down the line I'd ran with a little and chewed the cud; encouraging him in his first marathon quest. 3 miles down the line he runs back past me...not a word.
Well I've got one - GIT!
Week 12 was 59 miles exactly! Adifficult week for training as the SM was unwell and needing care, and I also fell to the dreaded Migraine. But it only put paid to one run. More sense to stop in.
However onto happier times - in Week 12 #TNSG had a meet up! HOORAY!
For the first time in ages. Headtorches before dawn, was absolutely brilliant. Owls a plenty and Oscar bouncing like a demented Tigger. Gus being his usual patient self...oh yeah, Matt and Mark were there too! They worked hard actually running further than me as I wanted to do my long run the next day. Didn't really matter, pace distance whatever. Just great company and lots of laughs, even in -1 at 6am!
The next day I did my long run as planned.The previous week I'd miscalculated the route and came up short in milage. (Still enough for 21 miles so no biggy.) So this time I was extra careful to read the route properly and even added a little dog leg in for good measure...it turned out to be a LOOOOONNNG measure!
I ran a marathon.
26.52 miles in training!
Now it wasn't anything wonderful in time, pace or plan. But what was wonderful was the recovery. I got back, had a bath per usual. Ate..a lot! And was pretty good the rest of the day even having a nice short (bloody cold!) walk around the Arboretum in the afternoon. Next day was a Rest day, and this morning back out feeling alright really. Legs good, a little sluggish mebbe, but pace okay and strength fine. (In the legs..not the "spindly" arms. *ahem*)
Onwards towards, what looks like at the moment, my 'A' race for this early part of the year - The Gloucester 50k on Sunday. All sorts of ideas and options for it. Excited thinking about it and planning strategies etc (yes, I'm anal!) But may only decide when there.
I have a time in my head; where it'll stay.
I have fuelling plans..which I need to go and buy for, but I'm confident they'll work.
Now all I need are the legs and stomach to behave properly and for me to run sensibly and patiently.
BRING IT!!!! :o)
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