Sunday, 4 December 2011

++Week Six..miss the sticks..++

So Week 6 is 2nd week of the second block. So a bit of a toughy but more reinforcing what happened last week.

It was R, 8, 6, 8, R, 18, 8

and it went...

Monday rest day was fine-surprise!
Tuesday was my favourite 8 mile loop and although not as fast as last weeks 'record breaker' it still felt good and leg lifting.
Wednesday was an enjoyable easy 6 miler in the dark across the railway line.
Thursday was a running fail! The Small Monstrosity was up during the night and I felt wrecked in the morning so Speedwork was not top of the desirable activities at 5am!
Friday I returned to run with Rich. We ran a decent 8 mile run at a fair pace. Not mega fast but nice to run together again.

Saturday was the re-run of last weeks 18 miler course. I was determined to pick the pace up for this weeks effort.
I also tried using a gel-alternative. After a good bit of discussion on RW Forum I tried some Haribo gummi bears. Mainly as they were in the house and similar in consistency to things like Clif Bloks and jelly babies.
Well they were okay. The quantity enabled me to have them at 4 different points and to take a little walk break of around 50m whilst handling them out the packet etc. which helped to get the Heart rate down, but didn't do much to the overall av pace.
So the pace wasn't really much to write home about but the strength and feeling in the legs was. I felt much stronger this week and seemed to recover better as well.So ups and downs...

Sunday was a Shake Down run of 3.5+5. I ran 3.5 with the Boss which was highly enjoyable at the 13min/mile pace and just what I needed. I then ran RHPark laps to make up the 8 miles I needed. This was also pretty good and by the final laps instead of feeling fatigued I was rocking and rolling along as if I was doing bona-fide interval work!!

However there is a large chasm in my training and running life at the moment...

I have to admit the Saturday morning #TNSG run in the dark through the sticks of the park with the headlamps is sorely missing from the training! I know there are all sorts of reasons for them not taking place; mine included in them. But it does remind you that solitary as The Road To Longevity is..its always good to share.

I hope they soon return.

1 comment:

  1. Next time a have a gingerbread man at the top of cardiac hill
    Remind me to share
