This week was a R, 7, 5, 7, R,14, 6.
It all kind of went to plan except...there's always an 'except'..
Well I went to see Bill Bailey at the NEC Tuesday night and there was no way I was getting up the next morning at 4:53am to get out for 5 miles. Sure enough, I didn't.
However I did start the dreaded SPEEDWORK this week! As part of the 7 miler on Thurday - 2.5, 3x4min @6:30-6:50 with 1 min recovery, 3 miles home. I STILL HATE SPEEDWORK!
Friday's social get out/ end of the week run was marred by torrential rain. After a mile into an 8 miler we were both soaked through. So it turned into an out n back 5 mile tempo run. Or - Run as fast as you can home to avoid getting any more wet!
Saturday morning found me in the park in the dark with #TNSG, dogs and headtorches again. Funnily Madlot turned up with a Lenser H7...except better, of course! Rechargeable. Made me realise that I need to put some new batteries in mine, then realised it'd be as good to buy a couple of sets of rechargeables.
Run was wet muddy and a good laugh as always. Plenty of banter and plenty of 'informed' discussion around running. Always good.
I went on to do a second lap on my own. Not as much fun, but muddier and splashier(honest @madlot1 !!) as I was no longer that worried about dry feet. Pace increased a little but not dramatically. Felt good and recovered well.
Which was just as well...
I returned home to find the Boss kitted out in sporty looking gear. Turned out she'd decided to go do some Red House laps. So I said I'd go with her. She did well. Ran one side of the square and did 4 laps run/walk.
Today was the shake down run. 6 miles of slowness just to get the legs running when they're meant to be tired. To be honest they felt okay. Whether this run feels the same once I'm doing 18 miles+ is another matter.
In other news I've decided to have a pair of these..
These are Salomon Crossmax Guidance. A multi terrain trainer. I'm thinking that they'd be good for running to the Park and then running on trails. As well as grip I'm wanting a bit more protection through the sole. The trails in SP aren't particularly technical but they're rocky and these tend to go right through the soles of the Adrenalines and bruise me feet!
So money is being saved!
Apart from that, still enjoying the freedom of race diary...but thinking towards January...and this maybe...
We shall see...sorry...'negotiate!'
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